Jan 30, 2011


The movement of the horizontal flow of the sea is called streams. These streams when related to the rise and fall of the local tide are called tidal streams. It usually flows in and out of harbour and along the coast. The tidal stream that flow into a harbour with a rising tidal is called the “ingoing tide”. The one that flow in with a falling tide is called the “outgoing tide”. When it is off-shore, they are called according to the direction in which they flow i.e. “eastgoing” or “westgoing”. Tidal streams flow fastest where the water is deeper or the channel narrower.

Tidal streams are caused in response to the tide rising forces. It’s movements are affected by current which are caused by the differences of water temperature, barometric pressure or wing and irregularities in the seabed. It does not cause any net transfer of water with its flow.